Films Recommended by Andrei Tarkovsky

Recently I finished reading the tiny book “Devotional Cinema” by Nathaniel Dorsky. The book is an absolute gem. It talks in very simple language about the devotional power of cinema. It talks about how time is one of the key elements of the art of cinema. It reminded me about the way Andrie Tarkovsky talks […]

Miss Misery

I write this letter to you in your absence.  You will never read it. But still I must write it. I know you are gone.  I have lost you.  Oh how sad it makes me feel.  I stay awake every night.  Trying to close my eyes and wishing like a 6 year old kid to […]


Richie Hawtin and Tom Cruise are travelling in a metro train. Tom cruise is reading an animated graphic novel. Richie Hawtin is holding a motor pump flute. This is a mnemonic. It represents my thoughts on Honesty Minimalism Systematicism and Orderism Animated Graphic Novel Motor pump flute Automated transport system Today I was travelling in […]


Well I broke my elbow recently . I have been trying to ignore the fact that it might be immpossible for me to play the bass ever again. but since I am very passionate about music I am trying to workout a routine inorder to improve my playing. Bill Clements came in the form an […]