Who is Waadee Krax Seagull ?

Namaskār ,

This is Waadee Krax Seagull.

Waadee pronounced as  Wothee i.e. “Waa” as “wa” in was and “dee” as “thy” in healthy.

I am a boy who likes to daydream.

I live in New Delhi, India.

Someone I did not want to forget but whose words still echo in my subconscious named me Waadee Krax Seagull.

Waadee means a valley in Hindi. Waadee is also the term for the tonic or the king note in any Hindustani Music Scale.  Also,  a person who plays a Waadyantra i.e. instrument emitting sound waves, is known as Waadee.

The meaning of Krax is still unclear.

Seagull is my surname perhaps because just like Mr. Jonathan Livingston Seagull I might have a similar, purposeful existence.

I am a moody musician. Sometimes I write music using words, sometimes using sounds, sometimes using colors and forms, sometimes using still pictures or moving pictures.

You are free to use the knowledge shared in the preceding pages of this blog for educational purposes only. The idea is to learn and teach to everyone from everyone. Let the world be a school full of teachers and students.

Waadee at the Pangong Tso, circa 2013

Pangong Tso, circa 2013

Roman River God

the judgement of paris raimondi


Cheers !!!

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